This blog is written to cover basics of Kotlin in Android.
To set text of TextView:
tv.text = "Hello"
To declare various types of lists:
private var itemList = listOf<Int>(1, 2, 3) private var itemListArrayList = mutableListOf<Int>(1, 2, 3) //behaves like collections private var noDuplicateList = hashSetOf<String>("azbc", "afb", "c", "c") //avoids duplicate values private var mapList = hashMapOf<String, Int>("a" to 1, "b" to 2, "c" to 3) //"key" to "value"
To iterate for loop:
for ((index, value) in itemList.withIndex()) { Log.i("tag", "$index = $value") }
While, do while, break and continue work as similarly as they work in java with few minor changes.
To add item in mutableList and iterate through it:
itemListArrayList.add(4) for ((index, value) in itemListArrayList.withIndex()) { Log.i("tagArrayList", "$index = $value") }
To sort hashSet and iterate through it:
for ((index, value) in noDuplicateList.toSortedSet().withIndex()) { Log.i("tagHashSet", "$index = $value") }
To get value from hashMap using a key:
Here, a is the key.
Log.i("tagHashMap", mapList["a"].toString())
These are just a few techniques among many for using collections in Kotlin. Make sure to check them out.