1. For Loop vs While Loop
Example: Print “Count” 5 times
// Okay Code var i = 0 while 5 > i { print("Count :\(i)”) i += 1 }
You made the variable “i” to make sure your computer doesn’t break by printing limited numbers.
Listen, more variables → more memorization → more headache → more bugs → more life problems.
Remember the Butterfly effect.
//Code for i in 1...5 { print("Count :\(i)”) }
2. Optional Unwrapping
Example: Guard let vs if let
Let’s make a program for welcoming a new user.
var username: String? var password: String? // Hideous Code func userLogIn() { if let uName = username { if let pwd = password { print("Welcome, \(uName)"!) } } }
Do you see the pyramid of doom? Those are nasty nested code. Never. Destroy the bad, bring the good.
// Pretty Code func userLogIn() { guard let uName = username, let pwd = password else { return } print("Welcome, \(uName)!") }
The difference is trendemous. If username or password has a nil value, the pretty code will early-exit the function by calling “return”. If not, it will print the welcoming message.
3. Extension
Example: Square a number
// Okay Version func square(x: Int) -> Int { return x * x } var squaredOfSix = square(x: 6) square(x: squaredOfSix) // 625
The useless variable was created to double square 6— we need not enjoy typing.
//Version extension Int { var squared: Int { return self * self } } 6.squared // 36 6.squared.squared // 1296
4. Generics
Example: Print all elements in an array
//Code var arrString = [“John Cena", “Tom Cruise", “Kristen Stewart"] var arrInt = [4, 5, 6, 7, 8] var arrDouble = [6.0, 8.0, 10.0] func printStringArray(arr: [String]) for str in arr { print(str) } } func printIntArray(arr: [Int]) { for i in arr { print(i) } } func printDoubleArray(arr: [Double]) { for d in arr { print(d) } }
Too many useless functions. Let’s create just one.
//Code func printElementFromArray(arr: [T]) { for element in arr { print(element) } }
5. Functional Programming
Example: Get even numbers
// Imperative var arrEvens : [Int] = [] for i in 1…20 { if i % 2 == 0 { arrEvens.append(i) } } print(arrEvens) // [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20]
I don’t need to see the entire process. I am wasting my time reviewing how your for-loop looks like. Let’s make it explicit.
// Declarativevar evens = Array(1…20).filter { $0 % 2 == 0 } print(evens) // [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20]
Functional Programming is phenomenal.
Functional Programming makes you look smart.
6. Closure vs Func
// Normal Function func sum(x: Int, y: Int) -> Int { return x + y } var result = sum(x: 6, y: 8) // 14
You need not memorize the name of the function and the variable — You just need one.
// Closure var sumUsingClosure: (Int, Int) -> (Int) = { $0 + $1 } sumUsingClosure(6, 8) // 14
7. Computed Property vs Function
Example: finding a diameter of a circle
//Code func getDiameter(radius: Double) -> Double { return radius * 2} func getRadius(diameter: Double) -> Double { return diameter / 2} getDiameter(radius: 20) // return 40 getRadius(diameter: 400) // return 200 getRadius(diameter: 800) // return 400
You created two mutually exclusive functions. Atrocious. Let’s connect the dot between radius and diameter.
// Good Code var radius: Double = 20 var diameter: Double { get { return radius * 2} set { radius = newValue / 2} } radius // 20 diameter // 40 diameter = 8000 radius // 4000
Now, the radius and diameter variables are interdependent of each other. More connections → less extra typing → fewer typos → fewer bugs → fewer life problems.
8. Enum to Type Safe
Example: Ticket Selling
// Simply Bad switch person { case "Adult": print("Pay $12”) case "Child": print("Pay $4”) case "Senior": print("Pay $8”) default: print("You alive, bruh?") }
“Adult”, “Child”, “Senior” → you are hard coding. You are literally typing all these string values for each case. That’s a no no. I explained what happens when you write too much. We never enjoy typing.
//Code enum People { case adult, child, senior } var person = People.adult switch person { case .adult: print("Pay $12”) case .child: print("Pay $4”) case .senior: print("Pay $8”) }
You will never make a typo because “.adult”, “.child”, “.senior” highlight themselves. If the switch statement encountered unknown cases beyond the scope of the designated enum, Xcode would scream with that red error () on the left side. — I just couldn’t find the right emoji.
9. Nil Coalescing
Example: User choosing Twitter theme color
// Long Code var userChosenColor: UIColor? var defaultColor = UIColor.red var colorToUse = UIColor.clear if let Color = userChosenColor { colorToUse = Color } else { colorToUse = defaultColor }
Too long. Let’s cut the fat.
// Concise AF var colorToUse = userChosenColor ?? defaultColor
The code above states, if userChosenColor returns nil, choose defaultColor (red). If not, choose userChosenColor.
10. Conditional Coalescing
Example: Increase height if you have spiky hair
// Simply Verbose var currentHeight = 160 var hasSpikyHair = true var finalHeight = 0 if hasSpikyHair { finalHeight = currentHeight + 5} else { finalHeight = currentHeight }
Too long. Let’s cut the fat.
// Lovely Code finalHeight = currentHeight + (hasSpikyHair ? 5: 0)
The code above states, if hasSpikeHair is true, add 5 to the final height, if not add zero.