Payment gateway offers the desired and vital link between the online seller (merchant), its customer, the customer’s online payment instrument provider and the bank account of the online merchant.
- First create merchant account in PayUMoney.
- The PayU Redirect Payment Page (RPP) allows merchants to integrate into PayU by redirecting their consumers to PayU’s hosted payment page.
- This is accomplished by using a combination of server side API calls and HTTPS redirects.
- The setTransaction API call is used to setup/initiate transactions between the merchant and PayU using server to server requests.
- Now first do setTransaction API call into your controller.
error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 1); ob_start(); //------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------- //------- //------- Configs comes here //------- //------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------- $baseUrl = 'https://staging.payu.co.za'; // testing environment URL // $baseUrl = 'https://secure.payu.co.za'; //production environment URL $soapWdslUrl = $baseUrl . '/service/PayUAPI?wsdl'; $payuRppUrl = $baseUrl . '/rpp.do?PayUReference='; $apiVersion = 'ONE_ZERO'; //set value != 1 if you dont want to auto redirect topayment page $doAutoRedirectToPaymentPage = 1; /* Store config details */ $safeKey = '{CE62CE80-0EFD-4035-87C1-8824C5C46E7F}'; // safe key provided in merchant account $soapUsername = '100032'; // SOAP username provided in merchant account $soapPassword = 'PypWWegU'; // SOAP password provided in merchant account try { // 1. Building the Soap array of data to send $setTransactionArray = array(); $setTransactionArray['Api'] = $apiVersion; $setTransactionArray['Safekey'] = $safeKey; $setTransactionArray['TransactionType'] = 'PAYMENT'; $setTransactionArray['AdditionalInformation']['merchantReference'] = 203269; //provided in merchant account $setTransactionArray['AdditionalInformation']['cancelUrl'] = 'http://your-cancel-url-comes-here'; $setTransactionArray['AdditionalInformation']['returnUrl'] = 'http://your-return-url-comes-here'; $setTransactionArray['AdditionalInformation']['notificationUrl'] = 'http://your-notification-url-comes-here'; $setTransactionArray['AdditionalInformation']['supportedPaymentMethods'] = 'CREDITCARD'; $setTransactionArray['Basket']['description'] = "Load Funds"; $setTransactionArray['Basket']['amountInCents'] = 1000 // amount in cents $setTransactionArray['Basket']['currencyCode'] = 'ZAR'; $setTransactionArray['Customer']['email'] = “john@doe.com”; $setTransactionArray['Customer']['firstName'] = 'John'; $setTransactionArray['Customer']['lastName'] = 'Doe'; $setTransactionArray['Customer']['mobile'] = '0211234567'; $setTransactionArray['Customer']['regionalId'] = '1234512345122'; $setTransactionArray['Customer']['countryCode'] = '27'; // 2. Creating a XML header for sending in the soap heaeder (creating it raw a.k.a xml mode) $headerXml = '<wsse:Security SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:wsse="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd">'; $headerXml .= '<wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id="UsernameToken-9" xmlns:wsu="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd">'; $headerXml .= '<wsse:Username>' . $soapUsername . '</wsse:Username>'; $headerXml .= '<wsse:Password Type="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-username-token-profile-1.0#PasswordText">' . $soapPassword . '</wsse:Password>'; $headerXml .= '</wsse:UsernameToken>'; $headerXml .= '</wsse:Security>'; $headerbody = new SoapVar($headerXml, XSD_ANYXML, null, null, null); // 3. Create Soap Header. $ns = 'http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd'; //Namespace of the WS. $header = new SOAPHeader($ns, 'Security', $headerbody, true); // 4. Make new instance of the PHP Soap client $soap_client = new SoapClient($soapWdslUrl, array("trace" => 1, "exception" => 0)); // 5. Set the Headers of soap client. $soap_client->__setSoapHeaders($header); // 6. Do the setTransaction soap call to PayU $soapCallResult = $soap_client->setTransaction($setTransactionArray); // 7. Decode the Soap Call Result $returnData = json_decode(json_encode($soapCallResult), true); print "<br />-----------------------------------------------<br />\r\n"; print "Return data decoded:<br />\r\n"; print "-----------------------------------------------<br />\r\n"; print "<pre>"; var_dump($returnData); print "</pre>"; if (isset($doAutoRedirectToPaymentPage) && ($doAutoRedirectToPaymentPage == 1)) { if ((isset($returnData['return']['successful']) && ($returnData['return']['successful'] === true) && isset($returnData['return']['payUReference']))) { // do some database insertion if you want to do // Redirecting to payment page header('Location: ' . $payuRppUrl . $returnData['return']['payUReference']); die(); } } } catch (Exception $e) { var_dump($e); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------- //------- //------- Checking response //------- //------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------- if (is_object($soap_client)) { print "<br />-----------------------------------------------<br />\r\n"; print "Request in XML:<br />\r\n"; print "-----------------------------------------------<br />\r\n"; echo str_replace('><', '><br /><', htmlspecialchars($soap_client->__getLastRequest(), ENT_QUOTES)); print "\r\n<br />"; print "-----------------------------------------------<br />\r\n"; print "Response in XML:<br />\r\n"; print "-----------------------------------------------<br />\r\n"; echo str_replace('><', '><br /><', htmlspecialchars($soap_client->__getLastResponse(), ENT_QUOTES)); // echo "test";exit; } die();
- After completion this, your page redirect to “returnURL” .
- Internally it also fire IPN (Instant Payment Notification). The Instant Payment Notification (IPN) is an asynchronous notification mechanism where PayU sends transaction results/information to a specified URL without any dependency on a customer’s browser.
- Notifications are sent in XML format using POST method.
- In the case of approval the IPN will fire after the payment has been attempted and will return that result.
IPN called under following conditions:
- When a payment on the PayU redirect either fails or succeeds.
- When a user session times out on the PayU redirect with no chance for the user to finish payment.
- When a transaction, pending review for fraud, is either approved or rejected by case managers.
In your notification page write below code
$postdata = file_get_contents("php://input"); // get post data $xml = json_decode(json_encode(simplexml_load_string($postdata)), true); // convert it into array $paureference = $xml['PayUReference']; // unique payU reference $transaction = $xml['Secure3D']['lkpTransactionId']; // unique transaction id if ($xml['TransactionState'] == 'SUCCESSFUL' && isset($xml['Secure3D']['lkpTransactionId'])) { // do something if transaction succeed. } else if ($xml['TransactionState'] == 'FAILED') { // do something if transaction fails. } else if (empty($xml['Secure3D'] && $xml['Secure3D'] == '')) { //do something if transaction succeed but Issuer/Cardholder not participated. }
Bravo!!! Now you can collect payment from your customers.